Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Discovery Church was started with a heart for downtown Yankton. Our coffee shop (Gathering Grounds) continues to operate three days a week as a missional arm to downtown Yankton. We welcome all who need a safe and hospitable place to come. Every Thursday at noon there is a free lunch for those experiencing homelessness or crisis and anytime the doors are open the coffee and baked goods are free to share.
Our church also participates in the annual Love Our City day of community service with Calvary Baptist Church, Restore and River City Assembly.
In addition we enthusiastically support several cross-cultural missions committed to taking the gospel to remote places of the world like Papua New Guinea and Cameroon, as well as familiar places like college campuses in Utah.
We encourage every member to consider themselves on a mission to make the gospel of Jesus known in every place the Lord has them.
Our church also participates in the annual Love Our City day of community service with Calvary Baptist Church, Restore and River City Assembly.
In addition we enthusiastically support several cross-cultural missions committed to taking the gospel to remote places of the world like Papua New Guinea and Cameroon, as well as familiar places like college campuses in Utah.
We encourage every member to consider themselves on a mission to make the gospel of Jesus known in every place the Lord has them.

Active Missionaries
The Webb Family
Papua New Guinea
We are Ryan & Shelby Webb. We have four children & we serve on an extremely remote volcanic island off of the north coast of Papua New Guinea. We have been faithfully serving the Manam people for 10 years. Our mission is to chronologically teach through God's Word, in their native tongue, to lay a strong Biblical foundation in their lives.
Bud & Lois Fuchs
Bud serves as the Cross-Cultural Equipper for the North American Baptist Inc.. He helps churches understand and strategize how to reach international students, immigrants and refugees in their communities for Christ. He and Lois also reach out to international students at both Utah Valley University and Brigham Young University, as well as immigrants in Utah County, Utah. Utah County is the most unreached and fastest growing urban area in the U.S. They live in Orem, Utah, where they are close to the schools they reach out to, and have events for them in their home.
The Weber Family
Cameroon Africa
Sammy and Kelsey Weber serve as missionaries in Cameroon, Africa. They mobilize, train, and equip Cameroonian church planters to make disciples and plant churches among the least reached tribes in Cameroon, and in the countries bordering Cameroon. They help the local churches of Cameroon to train Jesus-followers in places where there are no Jesus-followers yet. They have designed a training program that trains 12 people at a time over the course of three years, then those individuals are sent out by their local churches. The Webers and their Cameroonian teammates also engage in helping the poor through a variety of different ways, including a scholarship program for students and a co-op they've set up to provide jobs for people needing to pay medical bills or school fees. Occasionally, their team also does some audio translating of Scriptures into the language of an unreached tribe. To learn more about the Webers and the work that God has entrusted to them, you can visit their website: www.vision4cameroon.com
Local Missions
Gathering Grounds Coffee Shop
We have some spots in our coffee shop volunteer rotation that just opened up. If you're interested in filling a gap - even if it's only for the summer we currently need volunteers for the following hours: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons from 12:00PM - 3:30PM. The coffee shop provides many opportunities to share Christ with those who desperately need to hear. While it sometimes gets stereotyped as a ministry to very "difficult" people the truth is that the Lord has used it repeatedly to produce real fruit in people's lives. We've had many guests regularly visit for a time only to finally make connections and progress toward housing, employment and more stable situations. If you are interested in volunteering at our coffee shop please reach out to the church office at 605-689-2211.